Project Management Basics for Beginners: 13 Simple Project Management Tips

Project Management Basics for Beginners: 13 Simple Project Management Tips

Project Management Basics for Beginners: 13 Simple Project Management Tips

So, whether you're an 'accidental' project manager (you just fell into the profession) or an 'intentional' project manager(you've been planning, preparing and studying in advance for your project management career), you'll take away a ton of great project management basics from this short but information-packed video introduction to project management.

Learn the 13 key points that make up the basics of simple project management, including: knowing the project definition, understanding the project life-cycle and deliverables, the importance of listening to stakeholders, how to leverage project management templates and so much more.

Be sure to watch the video and learn the basics steps you need (as a project management beginner) in order to kick-off and manage your projects successfully.

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