Have you attempted to Optimize your current Maintenance Program not achieved the results you expected?

Have you attempted to Optimize your current Maintenance Program not achieved the results you expected?

? Have you attempted to Optimize your current Maintenance Program not achieved the results you expected

Most organizations have either resulted in achieving less than expected results or have achieved short term gain without long term sustainment and improvement. (my post is based on my 30 plus years experience)

What causes this to occur?

1. When a maintenance optimization plan was or is created it has all the feel of excitement and purpose however it looses its luster after a few months or a few years. (This is an organization changing event which requires discipline to follow the process) 
2. Senior, Plant, Maintenance and Production Leadership not truly understanding the difficulty of this journey. 3. No one person at the senior level to provide guidance and focus on the end result. 
4. No effective plan to serve as a guide, with effective targets and milestones, focusing an organization in order to achieve gains senior leadership expects. 
5. No guide who has seen end results what you are expecting, it sounds good but one should know it can be achieved. 
6. Roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined for difficult journey.
Changing the way people think is difficult however once they have seen and tasted success they will not turn back. If a change in leadership occurs the plan serves as a guide and will demonstrate a show a positive return on investment. No one person will effect this journey, it may slow the journey short term however the long term affect should be negligible and could even be positive. 

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