Maintenance Supervisors impact...

Maintenance Supervisors impact...

 Maintenance Supervisors impact

workmanship, morale, and attitude of the maintenance workforce. In addition, they key to high productivity, stability, profit loss, and excessive turnover. More people report to maintenance supervisors than to any management level, making maintenance supervisors the company's most direct action link to the work force. 
Maintenance supervisors must inspire teamwork, get maintenance technicians to cooperate and work productively toward attainment of production's goals and keep individuals interested in their job. The maintenance techs should be trained to meet the needs of asset reliability while developing an environment which inspires a person to do more than expected and fosters job fulfillment.

During my time as a maintenance supervisor I grew as a leader which made life better for myself, my maintenance techs, and production. It is truly the most desirable job for anyone who loves maintenance.  Please post a comment on something to you do to motivate your maintenance staff. Any additional tips are appreciated. Let's learn from each other.
"If a maintenance supervisors job was easy everyone would want to be one" 

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