Achieving Breakthrough in Performance

Achieving Breakthrough in Performance

 Achieving Breakthrough in Performance

Companies struggle to fnd the nonexistent “silver bullet” to reducing costs. Short-term and long-term solutions can increase reliability, asset availability,  utilization, quality and capacity, but they’re not easy or simple. Look at the barriers  that may hold a plant back. (add what you have seen)
First, "The belief that a failure means the equipment is broken. That’s is a total functional failure which should be unacceptable unless "RTF" or "Run To Failure" is your Maintenance Strategy.  

"For example, if a conveyor that’s supposed to operate at 200 meters per minute and runs less than rate then it has failed functionally thus affecting  revenue, motivation, etc. and it is a failure.A Failure of an asset is when it no longer meets the functions or functional requirements of it"

Second, in many cases, when an asset fails, no one in maintenance seems to understand that it failed (functional failure).  Maintenance doesn’t occur when it’s supposed to operate at  200 meters per  minute, however they should be called, along with production (this is a team effort) when quality or production rate issues arise because a functional failure has occurred.
Third,  many  maintenance departments don’t know equipment’s performance targets and/or don’t understand why it's important to know and understand why it's important to know these targets. This isn't a maintenance department failure, it's a failure revealing misaligned goals between production and maintenance.

Overcoming these barriers is essential to rapid reliability improvement (asset reliability and process reliability). An understanding and focus on functional  failures by all plant personnel leads to rapid results. Focus must be taken to communicate and take action jointly when any asset is not meeting performance target. (this is a "Team" effort with all parties understanding they have an equal stake in success of the plant or organization).

Here are a few of my recommendation:

  1. Post the targets and current rates to publicize performance gaps and begin each shift showing these performance gaps on a board. (Understand: If a football team has no score board or cannot see it then they will never win) Begin each shift with production and maintenance at the scoreboard focusing only on the total score in the game called: Operational Excellence, Maintenance Excellence, whatever works for your company - 2 minutes max)
  2. Reward the TEAM (maintenance and production) for exceeding a specific number, Example: "yesterday we ran at an OEE of 52%, great job, let's exceed that number on this shift (no questions at this time, take them "one on one later if needed"), let's make this shift the best ever" (max 1-2 minutes) the best reward many times is "shaking someone's hand and looking them in the eye and say thank you, great job". (if change was easy every company would be meeting production targets and goals)
  3. Look up the purchase a video called "The Sid Story", it is a great video to share with your team at the end of a weekly safety meeting. Review the video (yes, it is old but has a powerful message), having used this video all over the world to wake up organizations to change I know it works, you may have to look at it a couple of times to understand the message. 
"Understand change will occur with you or without you" 
Just my thoughts! Please post your comments or thoughts about how to make this move, sharing knowledge is critical to everyone's success at the plant or at home.

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