The First 7 Steps toward Achieving Proactive Maintenance

The First 7 Steps toward Achieving Proactive Maintenance

 The First 7 Steps toward Achieving Proactive Maintenance

“The First Seven Steps toward achieving Proactive Maintenance" is a proven concept I have seen work in organizations through dedication, teamwork, leadership, and by following a plan which is measurable and achievable”
Before we move any further let’s identify what “Proactive Maintenance” look likes in attributes and benefits.Attribute: a feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something

Attributes and Benefits of Proactive Maintenance

Proactive Maintenance attributes and benefits can be seen and measured in many ways such as Maintenance Cost as a Percent of RAV (RAV - Replacement of Asset Value).

Reactive Maintenance cost as a % of RAV can be as high as 17.2%, Proactive Maintenance Cost can be as low as 2.4% - 4.7%.
Below is an example of attributes from Alcoa Mt Holly taken from the SMRP Presentation by Mr. John Day PE, one of the founding members of SMRP who managed one of the few maintenance and engineering organizations in the world ever to achieve World Class Maintenance Certification. 

Having worked at this plant and for John Day at this organization established the foundation for my future in Maintenance and Reliability for over 30 years. I still visit with him often to re-ignite my passion and love for Maintenance and Reliability.

Attributes and Benefits of Proactive Maintenance:

Proactive Maintenance attributes and benefits can be seen and measured in many ways such as Maintenance Cost as a Percent of RAV (RAV - Replacement of Asset Value).

Reactive Maintenance cost as a % of RAV can be as high as 17.2%, Proactive Maintenance Cost can be as low as 1.7% - 4.3%.
Below is an example of benefits through application of proactive maintenance and benefits Alcoa Mt Holly found. This slide is an except from a SMRP Presentation by Mr. John Day PE, one of the founding members of SMRP, who managed one of the few maintenance and engineering organizations in the world ever to achieve World Class Maintenance Certification. Having worked at this plant for John Day, this organization established the foundation my future in Maintenance and Reliability for over 30 years.
The First 7 Steps to Proactive Maintenance establishes the foundation and path forward to success. One must understand this is a journey and can be treacherous and exciting at the same time with the destination being far more rewarding than anyone can image.

Step 1: Gain Knowledge in Proactive Maintenance fundamentals

Many times, maintenance professionals attend training workshops or conferences without understanding how to apply what they learned. Learning is an interesting journey where someone must first have the desire to learn and know what to seek the right knowledge. Discovery of the right knowledge can trigger our brain to move in directions which we never imagined, or ever thought was possible.

Step 2: Education and Training are foundational elements in this journey.

Without the knowledge of what good looks like one will never achieve the results they expect. This may require skills training as well as proactive maintenance training. At every level in an organization training may look different because of individual group’s needs, i.e. Production Management – Awareness and Money, Technicians – Skills, exciting and challenging work, etc.

Step 3: Defining what Proactive Maintenance elements are required is equally important as any other step. 

Proactive Maintenance Elements include the following: 
 > Work Identification – PM, PdM, Work Request 
> Maintenance Planning > Maintenance Scheduling 
> Work Execution 
> Work Order Close Out 
> Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System (continuous improvement)
"if a step in a process is skipped or performed at a substandard level it creates defects known as failures" - Ron Thomas, Dofasco Steel

Step 4: Create a Master Plan with goals and targets. 

The master plan defines the end results, guiding principles that all agree with, goals and targets that obtainable.This journey will require a road map. Without a map you will become lost and will never reach your destination. 

This requires establishment of measurements and benchmarks, defining proactive maintenance elements, education and training, along with defining roles and responsibilities.

Step 5: Defining Roles and Responsibilities in all elements is critical to ensure everyone in the organization is focused on the right thing which will ultimately results in success.
With each tasks must be assigned as who is: R – Responsible (The doer – can be multiple people), A – Accountable (the buck stops here), C – Consulted (two-way communication), I – Informed (one-way communication – no reply needed).
Step 6: Establish Measurements and Benchmarks to ensure your journey stays on the right path and if a detour is needed knowing when you are back on the right path again is critical to success. 

In any journey we know first where we are and where we are going. In order to drive from New York City to San Francisco in 10 days we must know is it possible or not. Alternate routes may need to be identified just in case of a problem. 

Without establishing measurements with benchmarks your chance of reaching this destination is uncertain or probably unattainable. You begin this journey with end in mind.

Step 7: Measure results and adjust as needed with the team.

 Measuring success and challenges is critical and everyone must be willing to work as a team to adjust the plan as needed. All of this must be accomplished with a facilitator or team leader. Changes must be documented and approved by senior eadership.
The next steps will be determined by your team. No plan is solid, it is fluid and will adjust as new information presents itself. 

Much of the knowledge required for this journey can be found in the SMRP Body of Knowledge (the map) and SMRP Metrics 

(measurements are required and not optional to ensure we stay on the right path and meet the end state)

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