Change-Challenge-Opportunity |
I am very excited to be joining PMDays in Bulgaria to share my experiences on the central theme of Change.Challenge.Opportunity in Project Management. And before I head off to Sofia, I wanted to share with you some insights on the importance of this theme and how it applies to the ever-changing world of Project Management.
The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change Heraclitus
In 2014, the pace of change accelerated yet again, due to technological advancements and the level of global interconnectedness, the project management landscape has shifted and will continue to change in the years to come. We are no longer living in the same realities that were shaped by the previous generation of Project managers. Rather, we are living in an ever-changing time of project management where there are new and evolving risks, challenges and opportunities.
We are seeing businesses change some of their fundamental behaviors. Organizations are deeply integrating project management practices as a way to keep up with change and implement their organisational strategy. The term ‘projectification’ of organizations has even been coined to describe this phenomenon.
Organizational ‘projectification’ comprehends changes through a process where work is managed by projects. More and more this transformation is visibly challenging the traditional notions of firms and empowering those “project-based firms”. In today's world, it is difficult to imagine any organisation without some kind of project activity.
To survive and succeed, every organization will have to turn itself into a change agent. The most effective way to manage change is to create it." Peter Drucker Those organizations who haven’t been able to focus and adapt to this notion of change have fallen behind, take for example companies such as Blockbuster, Kodak and Countrywide.
Stephen Shapiro was right in saying “we can see that of the few certainties of today’s business environment is that it never stands still”, therefore the challenge for us as Project Managers will be to accept change, adapt to it and equip ourselves for an era of organizational projectification. The question is - are we developing a pipeline for young project managers to address these urgently needed capabilities?
Here the older generation of PMs can take a lesson from the younger PMs, the millennials. Millennials are the first generation to come of age fully immersed in digital technology where the modern norms of change, connectivity and horizontal organizational structures are engrained in their working styles. And since they were hardest hit by the Global Economic Crisis (with skyrocketing youth unemployment rates and competition), they have learned to be even more agile, flexible and remote.
Millennials can provide insights to the older generation on modern ways of working since they have become the masters of technology. Ironically, the apprentice has now become the master. Maybe it’s time that we look to the younger generation of Project Managers for some advice and ensure mentorship is a two-way road?
It always seems impossible until it's done.' Nelson Mandela
According to PMI, through 2020, 1.57 million new project management jobs will be created every year worldwide. The trend that we are seeing is companies taking on project and programme managers to deal with the challenge of projects. To put it into perspective, PMI has released information that between 2010 and 2020, 15.7 million new project management roles will be created globally across seven project-intensive industries. That is, our profession is slated to grow by USD$6.61 trillion. This enormous anticipated growth, along with higher-than average salaries, will make the next seven years an opportune time for professionals and job-seekers to build project management skills!
Peter Drucker, the legendary "father of modern management", believed that the future must be created--day by day, person by person--rather than be left to chance or fate. Therefore, the opportunity for young project managers to become great Project Managers is out there now, but it requires you to step out of your comfort zone to become a PM 'Change-Maker'. Only then will you gear yourself for a future-focused mindset - helping to change our profession for the better and re-enforcing a proud tradition of Project Management, while bringing it to new heights!
PMI (2013). Project Management Talent Gap Report Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
The Author : Kamil Mroz
I am driven and energized by coaching, mentoring, and developing talents while overcoming transversal organizational challenges. My experience in people management has enabled me to discover my passion for the leadership of intercultural, diverse, and technical teams composed of both direct reports and cross-functional matrix project teams. I have been awarded global distinctions from both the largest PM organizations, IPMA, and PMI for advanced project management expertise, strong teamwork, communication & leadership.
I owe my servant leadership approach to the time I have dedicated to social and volunteer-causes where I focused on several high-impact philanthropic projects in Europe. I am also proud to have also been the first-ever student to be awarded the Young Alumni of the Year by the Faculty of Engineering from the University of Ottawa and I also Chair of the ISPE BeNeLux Steerco on Project Management.
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