101 Ways to Motivate Employees PDF Guide |
101 Ways to Motivate Employees PDF Guide
Ideas to increase employee satisfaction and inspire the people you work with by Jamy Bechler
When you are in charge of other people in a work environment, whether as a supervisor, manager, department head, coach or CEO, you are faced with many challenges. One of the biggest is how to motivate those people around you.
A paycheck is not always enough. Nor can we rely on everyone to be as intrinsically motivated as you might be to give your all for the good of the organization. What follows are 101 ideas for motivating the people around you. Some of these may not work because of your particular situation. I do not expound on them because I want you to get the creative juices flowing. However, let me know caution you about a couple of things...
- If you are not constantly trying to improve yourself and be the best you can be, then none of this matters.
- Leadership is not always a one-size fits-all approach. You can't just paint-by-the-numbers and expect certain results. Be aware of your environment and be in-tune with the people around you.
- The best leaders, who get the most out of their people are ones that see the possibilities and have vision. "The way it has always been done" is a very dangerous statement to make if you want to realize potential and maximize results.
- At the end of the day, you can get results with unsatisfied people, but they’ll be either short-term or you will eventually lose in other areas. Satisfied employees lead to high customer satisfaction.
About the Author Jamy Bechler is a John Maxwell certified leadership trainer, executive business coach and motivational speaker. He coached college basketball for nearly 20 years. Jamy has also served as high school A.D. You can follow him on twitter @CoachBechler or at Facebook.com/JamyBechlerLeadership
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