24 Monthly cash flow projection template

24 Monthly cash flow projection template

24 Monthly cash flow projection template
24 Monthly cash flow projection template 

24 Monthly cash flow projection template excel free download

A cash flow projection (also referred to as a cash flow forecast) is essentially a breakdown of expected receivables versus payables. It ultimately provides an overview of how much cash the business is expected to have on hand at the end of each month.

Guidelines for using monthly cash flow projection template

1-This is a "read-only" document.  Once you have opened it, save it to your computer under a new name, and then begin work.

2-Enter the information pertaining to your organization in cells where the text is BLUE, using rounded numbers to the nearest dollar. Projected numbers are the cash amounts that an organization expects to receive and plans to spend in each month. Actual numbers should be filled in after the month is finished, so that the projected numbers can be tracked against actuals.

3-Complete the spreadsheet using the suggested category for each entry. Broad categories have been suggested, and we encourage organizations to make use of them. Additional spaces, marked "other," have been provided in addition to these categories and can be used when an item doesn't fit into a broad category as provided or to customize the spreadsheet to your organization's unique requirements. You may also insert rows for additional line items. 

4-Use the "outline" function by clicking on the numbers in the top left corner of the spreadsheet or the plus and minus buttons located on the left axis and the top axis. This will enable you to expand and contract the spreadsheet based on the level of detail that you are interested in seeing. 

5-At the bottom of the page, there is a row entitled " Monthly Operating Cash Flow Projection versus Monthly Actual." Organizations may use this information to track the accuracy of projections. 

6-The Cash Flow Projection is built to print on legal size paper. When printing, be sure that you are using legal size paper and that the printer settings are set to print as such.

Item To Be Entered
1-Numbers in [   ]: Indicate here the multiple you are using when entering your numbers (tens, thousands, etc.). 

2-Beginning Total Cash: Beginning total cash is total cash including operating, non-operating and temporarily restricted cash at the beginning of the month. This should equal the ending total cash from the previous month. In "month 1" enter the total cash balance here. 

3-Unrestricted Operating Cash on Hand [Beginning of month]: Operating cash on hand at the beginning of the month. This should equal the "Net Cash from Operations" from the previous month. In "Month 1," enter the unrestricted cash balance here. This is your total cash balance minus restricted cash. Restricted cash at the beginning of this month will be entered in the line called "Beginning Temporarily Restricted Cash."

Unrestricted Operating Cash Receipts
1-Earned: Cash received in exchange for services or products. 

2-Unrestricted Contributions: Donated cash received whose spending is not limited by legal or contractual obligations. 

3-Restricted Cash Releases: Cash released from temporary legal obligations of purpose or time that is free to be spent. Note: this line will be automatically populated as releases are entered in the "Temporarily Restricted Cash Released" line is filled in.

Operating Cash Spent
1-Personnel: Expenses associated with the cost of having employees, incl. salaries, benefits, taxes. 

2-Professional Fees: Fees paid to third-party professionals who are not directly employed by the organization, for example lawyers, consultants, etc. 

3-Occupancy: Operating costs associated with a facility, whether leased or owned. This would not include principal payments on debt, major repairs, or replacements. 

4-Interest on debt: Interest payments associated with long or short term debt. 

5-Total Operating Cash Spent: Total of all cash spent on operating activities. 

6-Net Cash from Operations: Operating cash at the beginning of the month plus  receipts minus disbursements.

Temporarily Restricted Cash
1-Temp. Restricted Cash In: Cash that is received but cannot yet be spent due to donor restrictions. 

2-Temp. Restricted Cash Released: Cash that was restricted and is now able to be spent. Note: When you enter a number in this line, it will automatically carry over to the "Restricted Cash Releases" line item listed under Unrestricted Operating Cash Receipts." 

3-Net Temporarily Restricted Cash: The net of temporarily restricted cash in minus the releases for the month.

Non-Operating Cash
1-Draw on LOC/Long Term Debt Receipt: Receipt of cash drawn from an organization's line of credit, or the receipt of long term debt. 

2-Non-Operating Cash In: Cash received for non-operating activities; for example capital campaign grants, changes in the investment portfolio, and one-time or extraordinary transactions such as the sale of assets. 

3-Capital Campaign Contribution Receipts: Contributions received for one-time or periodic organizational expansion associated with a capital campaign. 

4-Other Non-Operating Cash In: Other non-operating contributions such as bequests, windfalls, proceeds from a lawsuit, sale of assets, etc. 

5-Non-Operating Cash Out: Cash spent that is not related to the organization's programs or other main activities. It can include capital expenditures, payments of debt principal, and changes in the investment portfolio. 

6-Principal Payment on LOC: Payment that is made to pay down the organization's line of credit. 

7-Principal Payment on LTD: Payment that is made to pay down the organization's long-term debt. 

8-Net Non-Operating Cash: Non-operating cash in minus non-operating cash out.

Ending Cash
Net Cash from Operations plus Net Temporarily Restricted Cash plus net Non-Operating Cash.

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