There are many pm tools to choose from, but which is right for you? Today we're talking about how to choose project management software and I have to tell you software is changing so fast these days it can be adopting and even overwhelming task for anyone.
So today I want to talk through a few reasons why people would choose project management software a few simple steps and how to choose and help you think through how to plan for a feature-rich software tool.
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So first of all let's talk through a few reasons why or a few scenarios when people choose project management software the first one is they could be setting up a process for their project management so they want a tool to help support those initiatives number two is that could be upgrading a current tool maybe it works for the most part but maybe there are some features that they need or may be missing number three is maybe they're replacing a current tool that nobody uses so they want to select something that's more intuitive or simple and easy to use a few simple steps and how to choose is number one make a list of the features that you want number two ask your team what they need because you want to be sure that you are looking from it from all aspects again to circumvent having a tool that no one wants to use you want to be sure that while you're doing this you include all the features that you need and want and number three is plan ahead for future growth in most cases this is a pretty significant thing that you're doing and hopefully the tool you use will last you for some time so you want to think strategically so although you may not need the features right now you may in maybe six months or a year so go ahead and plan for future growth okay so let's think through planning for a feature-rich software tool so what I recommend is making a list of all the features that you want and then ultimately when you get this list you want to overlay it and compare it to tools that you're considering but let's look at the features first of all I recommend online you want your team members or even yourself if you're travelling or out of the office you want to be able to access it anytime anywhere online the next one is real time data as data changes throughout the projects it will help you manage the project more effectively it will also help your team members to be able to complete their tasks more efficiently and successfully number three is be able to provide alerts maybe you or your team members want to know when their tasks are due you may even want to know when tasks are completed or even if your milestones are met number four is being able to provide or attach notes you may want to attach requirements or some kind of documents that people can collaborate and provide input to you also on certain tasks want to include maybe an invoice also being able to store your documents that you can access or team members can access or even version control then being able to have dashboards that you can customize use the project manager want to look at different levels of information different than your team members you can also customize something even more specific for your stakeholders and then being able to provide varying levels of access in some cases you may have third parties or vendor partners or contractors who have access to your system so you may want to provide them a certain or different level of access.
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