10 Leadership Principles for Maintenance and Production Leaders
Maintenance and Production Leadership is critical to any successful organization. Working together focused on the same leadership principles bonds the plant team into a highly successful organization. Post these principles in your office which will help you grow into the leader you never thought possible, humble yourself.
- Know yourself and seek self-improvement
- Be tactically and technically proficient
- Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
- Set the example Know your people and look out for their welfare
- Keep your people informed Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished
- Develop a sense of responsibility among your people
- Train your people as a team
- Make sound and timely decisions
These principles were developed for the US Army in 1948 and continue their use today. Begin your day reminding yourself what a great leader looks like and yes, you can become a great leader, it will not happen overnight however anyone can become a great leader. Take one principle at a time and master it before you move on to the next one. The first principle is critical to becoming a successful leader, "Know yourself and seek self and improvement".
Once you have demonstrated and living by a principle move to the next one however you must continue to apply the principle you mastered everyday. Pray and thank God daily for leading you on this journey and he will bless you. Please post your advice and comments so we can all learn from each other.
The Author: Ricky Smith CMRP, CMRT, CRL
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