Best Speaker - IMC 2015 Maintenance and Reliability Leading and Lagging KPIs

Best Speaker - IMC 2015 Maintenance and Reliability Leading and Lagging KPIs

 Best Speaker - IMC 2015 Maintenance and Reliability Leading and Lagging KPIs

I am humbled and honored by receiving the awarded for "Best Speaker" at IMC 2015. I hope those of you who were in my presentation will take back what you learning in my session and apply it. I would be honored to answer any questions you may have along this journey. As always I want to know your successes and failures as well.  
Share you comments please.Respectfully,  Ricky Smith CMRP, CRL, CMRT  I have shared a few Key Slides, shown below.  Please post your comments/thoughts so others can learn from each other.

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