CMRP Exam - Add to your Professional Credentials and Learn a few things |
A few days ago I was asked why take the CMRP (Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional Exam)? Here is my answer. (I have held the CMRP for over 20 years and it has helped me all my life professionally. (I would have never achieved all things I did with it and the CRL)
his is the answer I sent recently to a friend who ask the question, "why the CMRP". I also recommend the CRL (Certified Reliability Leader) as well.
Here is what I stated about the CMRP.
CMRP is the most recognized certification in the world. It helped me for over 20 years all over the world.
My recommendation:
1. Join SMRP and download the SMRP Body of Knowledge information. It is on the exam.
2. Take the practice test on line until you pass is at least 90 percent.
3. Purchase my book; Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Engineers from Study all chapters.
4. Take the practice CMRP practice exam until you make at least 100 percent .
5. Study the SMRP Body of Knowledge one last time and score above 95 Percent.
6. Take the exam and good luck my friend.
For information on the CRL search "Certified Reliability Leader" for more information. Great reference information for the exam can be found at
The Author: Ricky Smith CMRP, CMRT, CRL
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