This article explains the skills and qualities you must acquire to be a great construction project manager. Construction Project Manager has to exercise his management skills during important phases of projects like planning, execution, tracking, controlling and closure.
Construction Project Manager must be a leader, a motivator, a creative individual who has the requisite training, education and he must be well aware of the local bylaws as well as legal matters. Download FREE:
Today's video is about tips to be a great construction manager the construction management profile either you have it in you as you acquire it by learning and experience here we summarized what it takes to be a great CPM CPM must ensure the success of the project by managing areas like planning execution monitoring controlling and closure so on average a CPM can have 120 responsibilities and most important of them are planning budget time quality safety contracts so the CPM you might be assigned to work on various types of construction projects like commercial projects agricultural projects residential mega projects institutional projects in Denton industrial projects so the skills and responsibilities you must have include creativity analytic approach a very an insightful approach problem-solving approach motivator and leader you must be cool and collected you must be a people person you must exhibit integrity and ethical behavior you must cope well with the stress like challenges supportive and protector experienced trained organizational data analysis skills knowledge on local security procedures knowledge and legal matters written verbal and graphic communication should be good strategic and technical approach should be good understand technical complexity of different problems mathematical mindset physics nit so that's at but there are five things that I need to tell you before leaving and communicate clearly and effectively listen and ask questions be concise and precise when giving instructions delegate tasks to those capable of completing them or assign a co-worker to oversee areas of project evaluate progress and deadlines as a routine basis and reprioritize every time something new is added creative I create an environment of teamwork and inspire willingness to help co-workers develop problem-solving skills and be open to innovation so that's at thanks for watching.
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