Configuration Management Plan Template

Configuration Management Plan Template

Configuration Management Plan Template
Configuration Management Plan Template

Free Configuration Management Plan Template
Free Configuration Management Plan Template

Free Download Configuration Management Plan Template
Free Download Configuration Management Plan Template

Configuration Management Plan Template - Free Download
Configuration Management Plan Template - Free Download

Configuration Management Plan Template for Word - Free Download

What is in a Configuration Management Plan? 

A configuration management plan should address the responsibilities, procedures, activities, and oversight necessary to provide configuration identification, change control, status accounting and configuration audits.

What is the objective of the Configuration Management (CM) Plan?

The overall objective of the Configuration Management (CM) Plan is to document and inform project stakeholders about CM within a project, what CM tools will be used, and how they will be applied by the project.

Configuration Management Plan Instructions

General Information – Basic information that identifies the project. 
  1. Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project. 
  2. Project Working Title – The working name or acronym used to identify the project.  If an acronym is used, define the specific meaning of each letter. 
  3. Proponent Secretary – The Secretary to whom the proponent agency is assigned or the Secretary that is sponsoring an enterprise project. 
  4. Proponent Agency – The agency that will be responsible for the management of the project. 
  5. Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document. 
  6. Date/Control Number – The date the plan is finalized and the change or configuration item control number assigned. 

Change Control Items – List those components of the project plan governed by this change control process.  Change control items include the scope, schedule, budget, and performance Plans. 

Change Control Process – Describe or diagram the flow of a change request through the change process.  Provide a “step-by-step” guide on how changes to the change control items are made. 

Configuration Management Control Items – Describe the method of selecting each configuration management control items and list the configuration management control items for the project. 

Configuration Management Control Process – Describe or diagram the process for making configuration changes to configuration management controlled items.  Provide a “step-by-step” process on how changes to a configuration management control item are made. 

Naming and Marking Methods – Describe how documents, components, revisions, and releases are consistently named and marked. 

Submission and Retrieval of Control Items – Describe the process for submission and retrieval of a controlled item from the Project Repository to prevent the unauthorized modification of the controlled item. 

Version Control – Define the document version control and release approval procedure.  (Version control is not the same as naming and marking methods).  Address the release and approval procedures for any new version of a document, software, database, or other similar item under configuration control. 

Storage, Handling, and Disposition of Project Media - Describe storage, handling, and disposition requirements for project media (both automated and paper).  The information in this paragraph is included in the communications plan.  Verify there is no conflict in the plans for storage, handling, and disposition of project documentation. 

Change Management Responsibilities - Identify project stakeholders with specific change management responsibilities.  Describe the change management responsibilities of the stakeholders in the second column. 

Configuration Management Responsibilities - Identify project and configuration team members with configuration management responsibilities. Describe the configuration management responsibilities of the project and configuration team members in the second column.

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