Organization Breakdown Structure Template |
Organization Breakdown Structure Template for Excel - Free Download
The organization breakdown structure (OBS) Template assists in reporting project tasks by organization. The OBS provides an organizational perspective of the project rather than a task- based perspective. The hierarchical structure of the OBS allows aggregation of project information to higher levels. By using the OBS and WBS together, it is assured that all elements (scope) of a project will be assigned to a responsible organization.
General Information – Basic information that identifies the project.
- Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project.
- Project Working Title – The working name or acronym used to identify the project. If an acronym is used, define the specific meaning of each letter.
- Proponent Secretary – The Secretary to whom the proponent agency is assigned or the Secretary that is sponsoring a particular enterprise project.
- Proponent Agency – The agency that will be responsible for the management of the project.
- Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document.
- Date/Control Number – The date the plan is finalized and the change or configuration item control number assigned.
Complete the columns in the table as described below.
Responsible Person or Group – Identify the group or person responsible for accomplishing the WBS element. The OBS focuses on assigning the total set of WBS elements, resources required, and costs associated to responsible organizational units. The responsible person or group may be a person in a small project, a group of people lead by a team leader, or an existing functional organization. List the person or group first. Leave a number of rows between each person or group listed. Next, complete the WBS Element Number and Name columns.
Element Number – Identify the task(s) assigned to the person or group in the first column by listing the WBS Element Numbers as defined on the WBS worksheet.
WBS Elements, Activity, Task, or Sub-Task – Identify the task(s) assigned to the person or group in the first column by listing the WBS Element, Activity, Task or Sub-Task that corresponds with the Element Number in the second column. Indent subordinate Elements in the WBS element column. For example indent all tasks for an Activity and then indent the Sub-Task for the Task.
Resources Required – Identify what physical resources (personnel, facilities, equipment, software) are needed to accomplish this WBS element.
Estimated (E) or Actual (A) Cost – Provide an estimated or actual cost based on the resource requirements identified and estimates developed in the WBS worksheet. This column is completed after the decomposition to the lowest task level is complete. Begin at the smallest element and roll up costs to the larger elements.
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