Risk and issues log template |
issues log template |
Risk and issues log template in excel - Free Download
Use this template to track the project's risks and issues. The risk log provides a calculation based on the identified Risk's probability and impact. Probability is a drop down list of: Certain, Expected, Likely, Possible, Unlikely. Impact is a drop down list: Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low. - The template also controls issue log items by using the log to update the issue "n" sheet.
Risk and issues log template instructions
General: On the first time to use the template, Update the headers on all worksheets to reflect the PROJECT NAME
Risk Log: List Identified Risks and Calculate Risk Rating with suggested meanings
1-Enter or Update the following:
- Risk Number
- Risk description
- Probability (use dropdown list)
- Impact (use dropdown list)
- Risk Rate color will change based on formula
2-If Sorting is desired Sort all lines using the Header Row by Rating (descending) Number (ascending).
3-For additional risks, Insert new rows, and then copy the Complete "template line" (At least cells A-R) and insert it after the last identified risk.
Issue Log: For Tracking all Issue Items - Log is used to provide information to the specific issue sheet (Issue summary, Responsible Person, Issue Date and Status).
Enter the following on the Issue Log worksheet:
- Next sequential issue number
- Issue description
- Name of person assigned/responsible for the issue
- Date the issue is being added
- Status (use the dropdown list)
Issues worksheet: For tracking details of each identified Issue
1-Make a copy of the Issue Template worksheet by right clicking on its label - choose "Move or Copy". Choose both (move to end) and create a copy.
2-Rename the copy of the Issue Template worksheet to "Issue "n" where n = the issue number
3-Link the fields (Issue Description, Name of person Assigned, and Date of Issue) from the Issue Log to the appropriate fields on the Issue worksheet: On the Issue "n" sheet for each field type in "=", then go to the issue log sheet and click on the field there. Hit "enter" and you will come back to the Issue "n" sheet with the value filled in.
4-Enter the following on the Issue worksheet:
- Level - High, Medium or Low
- Class - Impact Area
- Originator
- A brief description of the consequences
5-Update the Resolution with the steps completed to resolve the issue. At a minimum, this should include the date, action taken, who took the action. This should reflect a historical sequence of events.
6-Make any changes to Issue Description, Person responsible or status in the issue log and they will be updated in the Issues Worksheet.
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