Defect tracking template excel |
The purpose of defect tracking template
To ensure that the work product meets specifications for performance, defects must be tracked and fixed. These defects may arise from any Phase, but the majority will arise in the Testing Phase and must be properly captured and tracked through resolution.
This form will allow documentation of test defects that must be corrected prior to project completion. Also, this form makes it easier to monitor status of the defect correction progress. This form may be used by any member of the software development team.
Defect Tracking Template Instructions
Defect Number: Unique identifier for the defect, i.e., 1,2 etc.
Date Created: Date on which the defect was initially reported and logged.
Created By: Name of the person who reported the defect.
Defect Description: Description of the defect. State the subsystem, area, or other part of the product in which the defect occurs or which is affected by the defect.
PM Process: Choose the Project Management Process this defect was reported for: Opportunity Assessment, Initiating, Planning, Executing/Controlling and Closing.
Lifecycle Phase: List the lifecycle this defect was reported for. The Software Development lifecycle is: Opportunity Assessment, Concept, Requirements, Design, Development, Testing, Documentation and Training, Deployment and Post Deployment.
Priority: The priority code indicates the impact of this defect on the project: H = High (extremely important, the project cannot be successful without this defect being resolved) M = Medium (important to project success, but a work around exists) L = Low (desirable, but with little impact to project success if the defect is not resolved)
Owner: Name of the person who is responsible for fixing the defect.
Assigned Date: Date on which the defect was assigned for resolution.
Estimated Time To Fix: Estimated amount of time required to correct the defect. If applicable list in hours, not days.
Status: Current status of the defect: New, In Progress, Under Review and Completed.
Resolution: Description of the defect’s resolution.
Resolution Date: Date on which the defect is to be resolved (or is resolved depending upon its status).
Actual Time to Fix: Actual time required to correct the defect.
Root Cause Description: State the cause of the defect (for example, communication, oversight, transcription, education, process, bad code.).
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