5 Reasons Why Maintenance Skills Training is Not Effective

5 Reasons Why Maintenance Skills Training is Not Effective

 5 Reasons Why Maintenance Skills Training is Not Effective

Maintenance Skills training most of the time does not meet management's intent. The intent of Maintenance Skills Training is to: 
  • Optimize equipment reliability.     
  • Reduce cost.     
  • Increase Maintenance Personnel's confidence in their abilities.
The question which one must answer is why is skills training not effective?
1.  Short training courses provide short term results.
  • Our memory has a limited capacity to repeat anything which is not established in our long term memory     
  • One must learn the foundational requirements of any skill. One major foundational elements is "Knowledge". Without knowledge a skill can only be an act which provides no lasting results 
2.  Knowledge for most people is not easily retrievable.
  • We have all found yourself trying to retrieve information we know and this can be frustrating and even lead to one "guessing" which could lead to equipment problems/failures 
3.  Known Best Maintenance Repair Practices are hard to find.
  • Many times Best Maintenance Repair Practices are available however no one can locate the information when it is needed 
4.  Repeatable procedures are not available.
  • PM procedures such as; "Check Belt for Tension" are used, try to repeat this task the same way with the same expected results 
5.  Maintenance KPIs do not show a problem.
  • Look at Maintenance Cost as a % of Replacement of Asset Value - RAV) See the SMRP Metrics Manual. 
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