Free Business Case Template in Excel

Free Business Case Template in Excel

Free Business Case Template in excel
Free Business Case Template

Download Free Business Case Template in Excel

The Free Business Case Template provides the toolset to develop a thorough financial analysis and justification for an information technology (IT) project. The Workbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the Business Case Template.

The Free Business Case Template comprises multiple Excel worksheets that enable input of cost estimates, quantitative benefits, and other evaluation factors. Entered data is presented in the Cost-Benefit Summary, Financial Analysis, and Selection Results worksheets.

Information within the Workbook flows from left to right. The first three worksheets after these instructions support data entry; the Cost-Benefit Summary and Financial Analysis worksheets are protected from change because they automatically summarize information from the first three worksheets. The Selection Results worksheet is not protected so the user can copy the required information into the Business Case Template.

Note: Data entry cells are in red text. Cells referenced by other worksheets are in blue text. Cells calculated or referenced within the same worksheet are in black text. Subtotal, total, and cumulative total cells are in bold black text.

An overview of the Workbook contents and line item descriptions of the worksheet elements are provided below.  Detailed instructions for these worksheets are provided in the Business Case Instructions.

Table of Contents:

Cost Analysis

Quantifies business case cost estimates required for project development, implementation, and maintenance


Quantitative Benefit Analysis

Quantifies incremental cost savings, cost avoidance, and revenue generation benefits for the agency, as well as service delivery and regulatory savings for constituents


Evaluation Factors

Rates the qualitative and quantitative factors that support and justify an IT project, including Statutory Fulfillment, Strategic Alignment, Agency Impact Analysis, Financial Analysis, Initial Risk Consideration, and Alternatives Analysis


Cost-Benefit Summary

Summarizes major categories of business case costs and quantitative and qualitative benefits


Financial Analysis

Contains various measures of financial feasibility, including incremental and cumulative Net Cash Flow, Net Present Value (NPV), Breakeven Point, and Financial Return on Investment (ROI)


Selection Results

Provides a summary of project evaluation factors and financial analysis results that should be copied into the Business Case Template. Note, this worksheet is not protected.


Cost Mapping

Provides an estimated cost mapping from the business case costs (i.e., project costs plus non-project/operational costs) identified on the Cost Analysis worksheet to the ITD costs (i.e., project costs) and then allows agency adjustments to the ITD costs. 

This optional worksheet is one of the tools in the Project Financial Life Cycle Extension. This worksheet is included within the Business Case Workbook tool to facilitate calculations used in the mapping. For guidance on use of the Cost Mapping worksheet, refer to the Project Financial Life Cycle Guide within the Project Financial Life Cycle Extension.


Agency Additional Information

Provides a blank, free-form spreadsheet that allows agencies to include any additional information that is helpful.

This optional worksheet is one of the tools in the Project Financial Life Cycle Extension. This worksheet is included within the Business Case Workbook to facilitate agency calculations and mapping. For guidance on use of the Agency Additional Information worksheet, refer to the Project Financial Life Cycle Guide within the Project Financial Life Cycle Extension.


Version History

Summarizes the revision history of the Business Case Workbook beginning with Release 2.1 (January 2013).



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